The Lion Precision Air Bearing LVDT Amplifier

AB-02 Two-channel Amplifier

 To realize the maximum precision potential with the Colorado Precision Air Bearing LVDT, the amplifier of choice is the Lion Precision Air Bearing LVDT Amplifier. Designed as part of a CRADA between Lion Precision and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, this high-precision, low-noise LVDT amplifier defines state of the art in contact displacement measurement.

The improvements of the Lion amplifier over competitive products led to an R&D 100 award in 1994.

Though the CPPI Air Bearing LVDT probes are compatible with a variety of amplifiers, there are several reasons why this is the amplifier of choice when maximum performance is required.

The Lion amplifier:


  Provides about one-tenth the excitation energy of competing equipment, minimizing part heating.

 Has more than 30 times the resolution of competitors

 Maintains a dynamic range without sacrificing resolution, unlike competitors

 Offers two-channel operation with arithmetic functions plus peak and valley detectors

 Has analog and digital front panel displays

More Information:

Mechanical Specifications

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